Improving Safety on Drivers for Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks

Improving Safety on Drivers for Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks Need for individualizing vehicular communications in order to improve safety for a highway scenario. Adapting a vehicular ad hoc network to both its individual driver’s characteristic and traffic conditions enables it to transmit…

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Preventing Distributed Denial-of-Service Flooding Attacks With Dynamic Path Identifiers

Preventing Distributed Denial-of-Service Flooding Attacks With Dynamic Path Identifiers There are increasing interests in using path identifiers ( PIDs ) as inter-domain routing objects. However, the PIDs used in existing approaches are static, which makes it easy for attackers to launch the…

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Contradiction Based Gray-Hole Attack Minimization for Ad-Hoc Networks

Contradiction Based Gray-Hole Attack Minimization for Ad-Hoc Networks Although quite popular for the protection for ad-hoc networks (MANETs, IoT, VANETs, etc.), detection & mitigation techniques only function after the attack has commenced. Prevention, however, attempts at thwarting an attack before it is…

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